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Adventures in Missions

Adventures in Missions


I hate New Year’s resolutions. Really. I decided years ago to never make any. I’m sure that most of the reason for this is that I’m a major screw-up. I can’t think of a single resolution I’ve ever made that…


I’m in the Atlanta airport, waiting to be picked up. I’m sitting next to a store completely dedicated to the Georgia Lottery. Since I’ve been here, there has been a constant line of people purchasing tickets. I can’t help but…

My Other gods

Exodus 20:3 You shall have no other gods before Me. Yesterday, I spent some time with some of my other gods. I didn’t really have a tough day, it was more a draining day. At the end of the day,…


Hi.   Sorry for the long drought. I know that some of you have been staying up at night wondering when I’m going to write something… Hey, a guy can dream. 🙂   I’ve got some stuff in the pipe,…

Filling the Hole

So, I’ve got this hole in me; I’m not sure where. It might be in my head (no comments from the Peanut Gallery, please), it might be in my heart, but I’m starting to suspect that the hole is in…

…That Cost Me Nothing

Continued from “A Sacrifice…”    As I was leaving the KFC, I expected to feel great about what I had just done. One of the missionaries had been in Kentucky for twenty-two months and I’d be willing to bet he…

A Sacrifice…

Background: My friend, Elizabeth, was born and raised a Mormon. Carla and I had lunch with her one day and she shared the story of her conversion to Christianity. If you ever get a chance and you know who she…

I Wish

I’ve found a website that I want to recommend to you. Stuff Christians Like is a great blog that deals with many issues of the Christian life. I don’t really know what else to say except that he (Jon Acuff)…