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I’m in the Atlanta airport, waiting to be picked up. I’m sitting next to a store completely dedicated to the Georgia Lottery. Since I’ve been here, there has been a constant line of people purchasing tickets. I can’t help but remember what my friend, Jennifer Francis, used to say about the lottery. She called it, “A tax on people who are bad at math.” It should come as no surprise that she is a math teacher.
Anyway, I’m going to be at AIM headquarters this whole week. I’ll be attending a staff conference and then spending some time doing web work. Please pray for my girls as they are home all week and for me as I catch up with stuff in Gainesville.
Thanks mucho,

One comment

  1. The Lottery is how most of the teens here go to college on the Hope Scholarship – we hope to benefit from it. Greed? Nah – Practicality – Yeah

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