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Thoughts & Inspiration

Godly Parenting

So, I was sitting at On The Border (OTB), minding my own business, talking to my babes. My wife, Carla, looked over at me and said, “God spoke to me this morning, out of the blue.” She related that she…

Thoughts Without Words

Some time ago, my daughter, Tori, was trying to describe an idea she had. She was having trouble getting her point across and expressed her dilemma by saying, “It’s a thought without words.” Since then, this has become part of…

Clean Slate

Ok, this is me – Because we tend to define ourselves in terms of what people say about us and our accomplishments (both of which are poor indicators of spiritual reality), we must let God start from scratch. The same…

Live Action

God has been working my brain over lately – Amanda Petersen’s stuff on ‘Jesus was only kidding‘, Seth Barnes’ blog, The Irresistible Revolution, Always Enough, and Radical Reformission (Mars Hill Church) to name a few. I’m surprised at how much ACTION is required…

The Day I

This is going to be different. I’m going to write about something that really happened, but, in the interest of protecting all involved, I’m changing the names and some dates – nothing else. I’m trying to figure out what to…

How will you know?

How do you know if you don’t go? I know it’s a cliche, but I don’t know how else to say it. Remember when you thought you were supposed to help someone on the side of the road, but you…