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Thoughts & Inspiration

“Come now, let us reason together…” Is 1:18

I have a confession to make; I’m an inwardly-focused, overly-introspective person. A narcissist. Really. It’s all about me. Here’s the proof:

  1. I use other people’s comments and stories to remind me of things that happened…to ME!!
  2. There is no topic of conversation that I can’t turn to things more interesting…about ME!
  3. If I wasn’t there, it didn’t happen.
  4. Whenever I tell a story, I’m either in the story or I talk about how the story made me feel and what I learned.
  5. Even better than #4, when I tell a story, I try to drop in where I was when it happened: Mongolia, Shanghai, New Orleans, Tokyo, Matamoros. (SEE!! I just did it.)
  6. I will most definitely forward this article to my boss and peers so that they can give me their suggestions and insight. (Secret Markie code for “Tell me how good it is.”)
  7. When I talk to people, I’m always trying to figure out what has happened in my life so I can teach them something – usually about what they’re discussing, but not always.
  8. When I beg God to provide direction in my life and give me purpose, it’s all about me. Sure, it would be great if God’s kingdom was advanced and all that, but what about me? What is God going to do because I’ve been obedient?
  9. I even make my Christian service all about me. When I wash the dishes at home, I think “Carla had better notice this.” When I get home from a mission trip, I revel in the thought of people asking me “How was your trip?” and I get to tell them all the great things God did…because I went. When they don’t ask, I think “Don’t you know I was just in MONGOLIA!?” (Did it again – that’s two)

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