
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I apologize if this is too weird, but these questions have been rattling around in my brain for the last day and I have to get them out. Please read the question below each picture.

Would it matter if God didn’t show up at your church this Sunday?

How about if he DID show up; would that matter?

What about you? Would it matter if God didn’t show up in your life today?

more to follow

2 responses to “Would It Matter?”

  1. It’s impossible for God not to show up in church if I am there. The church “Eclasia” or “the called out ones” have the deposit of the “Holy Spirit” which is the third person of the Trinity… the real question is “Would it matter if I concentrated on things that really made a differnce?” These type of questions show how poorly we are teaching in the church today and is the single reason they there is division and apathy in the congregation.

  2. And better yet, what would happen if the “Church” didn’t stand in the way of the church when they gather to worship? If no one hindered the Spirit? WOW! But alas, the lights have to be perfect, the service scheduled out to the finite second…. yada yada yada.