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Thoughts & Inspiration

Pretend that you are 9,000 miles from home, you have no luggage, and the only clothes you can buy are two sizes too small. What would you do? Most likely, you would do what we all did, deal with it. The outfit you see me wearing in the picture on the right is the same set of clothes I wore for eight days, underwear included… In the interest of full disclosure, Wes Walls did loan me a polo shirt, but it was small and I only wore it when I absolutely had to. (Let it be know that this was the first time I have ever borrowed clothes from another male. Sorry ladies, it’s a weird guy thing.)
During our recent trip to Asia, we and our luggage stopped in Hong Kong, but the luggage stayed, maybe to do some sightseeing, I don’t know. So, unless we had the foresight to pack some clothes in our carry-on (I didn’t), we did without for the bulk of our trip. Fortunately, we were staying in a hotel, so toiletries were available; with the noticeable absence of deodorant and conditioner. There was a couple staying at the hotel who had extra toiletries, including deodorant, and they shared willingly.
Apparently, much has been made of the fact that we did without a change of clothes for so long. Seriously, what would you have done? Would you have let such a small thing get in the way of the work you were supposed to do? Maybe some people would have let this ruin their week, but I choose to believe that most people would roll with the punch. Think about it, in most cultures, this would not have been a problem as they only have a few changes of clothing for the year anyway. Only in our mega-rich country would this be considered a burden. I’m not doing the whole “America is bad” thing; I thank God that he has blessed us far beyond what we deserve. I think the problem is when we forget that what we have is a blessing and gift from the Father above, not something we deserve because of our hard work or brilliance.

2 responses to “What would you do?”

  1. Glad to have you back. What would I do? You just have to deal with it! It is a great reminder that we can go without so much less.

  2. Unfortunately, even when I go for just a weekend, I tend to “over pack.” And even then, if I forget something I just run to “Wal-Mart.” Wal-Mart hasn’t invaded China, I guess. Bless you all for being willing – and flexible.