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IMG_0974So, Tuesday, we couldn’t find anything to do. With the rain and the average age of our kids (about 10), there wasn’t much available. So, I called around and tried to find us something on Wednesday. The only lead I had was from the Union Gospel Mission in Fort Worth. Josephine White called me back at 9:00 AM on Wednesday and said that we could help them serve lunch to their residents and to the homeless people who showed up. So, we called everyone, met up at LABC, and got to the UGM at 10:30ish. Josephine explained what the UGM does (houses homeless men, women, and children while giving them skills and opportunities to go out on their own) and gave us a tour of their great facilities. Of course, I haven’t done justice to all that they do. Please go to their website for more indepth information.

Because there were so many of us (15), we had to split up; five went to help organize a closet with education resources and ten of us went to serve meals. Misti took her boys into the closet while the rest of us went to the cafeteria. We served the female residents and their children first, then the male residents. At 12:00, all my girls had to leave, so I asked Misti to send her boys in. They said “Do we get to be waiters like in a restaurant?” That’s pretty much what we did; the servers would fill up the plates and we would bring the food out to the people eating. Click to see the picts (there’s not much).

I was very impressed with the way UGM runs things and with their hearts for the homeless in Fort Worth. They always need volunteers and financial help. Hint.