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Click here for the previous Spring Break Blog.

Here’s the latest:

I am meeting wth the director of Blood and Fire Dallas today, 2/26. He’s going to give me the rundown on what they do in Dallas and how we could help them.

I am also going to try to get to Mission Arlington and find out what we could do there.

We’ve got eighteen people signed up so far. I’ve been telling people that we want this to be as planned and unplanned as we can make it…in other words; we’d like to have planned events for people that would like definite direction, but we would also like to be flexible enough to change course if needed.

Here’s what is being lined up so far:

  1. Work at a Senior center doing visiting, reading, and shopping.
  2. Helping Blood and Fire minister in Dallas
  3. Help for single moms and seniors. This will include:

    • Yard work
    • Car repair
    • House repair

If you have ideas of something we could do, please let me know.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Pray
  2. Sign up to help
  3. Contribute funds so others can go

Emergency note: pray for Les Frazer. He was taken to the hospital on 2/25 and admitted to ICU with brain bleed.

4 responses to “Spring Break Update”

  1. I wish I lived closer! I’ll be praying for you guys…I think it’s awesome that you’re doing this! 🙂

  2. another note on Les. He is having surgery today at 12 (2/26) for an aneurysm.

    Still don’t know if i will be able to help on spring break or not yet. I would love to but depends on work situation.

  3. Les’ surgery started around 5pm. The surgeon was able to get all of it, but had to go deeper in the brain than initially thought. He is better, but “still a very sick man”. He will be in ICU for 4 or 5 days.