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So, what are you doing for Spring Break? This isn’t meant as a “What are YOU doing for Spring Break,” but an honest, “hey, what are you doing?”

Normally, Carla, the girls, and I lead a trip for AIM. This year, for some reason, there are only four AIM trips during our spring break and, by the time I had figured that out, they were all taken. (FYI, AIM has about thirty trips for the next week, but, alas, our break will be over.) So, it looks like we’re staying home 3/17-21.

Have you ever said, “Why don’t we do that mission trip stuff here, in our own community?” Well, guess what? That’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to have a mission trip here in the DFW area!

Are you busy? Would you like to participate? Do you know someone we could help with yard work, house work, house repairs, food, shopping, meals, reading, home visits, car repair, etc.?

Eric Herrstrom, Missions pastor extraodinaire at Lake Arlington Baptist Church, has graciously offered LABC as a staging grounds and lunch site. However, we (you and I) are not limited to where we serve or what we do. You do not have to be a member of LABC, all you have to be is willing to help others. As it stands now, we are planning to work Monday to Thursday and then have a BBQ at LABC on Friday to get together and talk about the week.

Here’s what we need to do:

  1. Pray – about your involvement and about whom we should help
  2. I’ll contact some ministries here in the DFW area and see how we can partner with them
  3. You pray about and begin looking for opportunities to serve in the Arlington/DFW community
  4. If you don’t go to LABC, pray and look for opportunities in your church/neighborhood
  5. Email me or leave me a comment on this blog and let me know if you’re interested
  6. Invite your friends


  1. We’ll work 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 4:00 M-Th. Some of the jobs may require travel around the metroplex and have different hours.
  2. Decide which days you can/want to work.
  3. Come up with $10 a day or $25 for the week per person to help defray the cost of the lunches/BBQ. If you can’t pay this, come anyway. I will personally be very upset if you use this as an excuse to not participate. Update: $100 for the week for a family of four or more.
  4. Parents, we want the kids to help! If they can’t work unsupervised, come with them and serve along side; don’t send them without adult supervision.
  5. Contact me for more details, please!
  6. Pray.

This is a fluid idea and I’m sure details will change – more details to follow!

4 responses to “Spring Break Trip”

  1. I would love to help, but with 3 little ones under 3, doubt I could find a sitter, BUT Devlin would love to help. Just keep me informed & let me know what else our family can do to help. This is such a great idea & I’m sure that I could find some Senior Citizens that could definately use the help and would enjoy the company as well.

  2. Mark,
    What an awesome idea. I would be there but I will be in Greece and Italy praying for the Greek orthodox and following the path of Paul’s ministry. I would like to make a donation to your mission project, however, so will catch up with you in church. Jennifer Curtis