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We got to Blood and Fire (BnF) about 9:45 and got a brief orientation from Kevin, the assistant director of the Father’s House (BnF house for men). We walked through the lot next to the house and picked up trash. BnF is hoping to use this lot for a BBQ later and is trying to get the owner of the lot to let them use it.

Afterwards, we went to the Compassion House (BnF house for women) and had lunch. Carla, Tori, and I had to leave for Judi Redmon’s funeral and the rest of the group finished up around 12:30. BnF has work for us to do, but it is work more suited to teenagers and adults. The average age of the kids with us is about ten. So, after some conversation with John Wallace, BnF’s pastor, we decided that we’ll go back out to BnF on Thursday to help with their grocery give-a-way. As it stands now, 7:15 AM on Tuesday, we don’t have any ministry for the day. I’m going to be contacting Beautiful Feet in Fort Worth to see if there is anything we can do for them. The kids had a great time helping out yesterday and I am praying that God will honor their eagerness to serve.




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