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Have you ever had the weird feeling as you’re talking with someone that you might have actually told them that story before?
About a year and a half ago, I noticed that I was starting to tell the same stories about my life over and over again. Not that my life isn’t a thrill-a-minute, but it was really bothering me. It seemed like I was living/feeding off things that had happened a year or more previously and wasn’t gaining in new, significant life experiences. I was, apparently, content to rest on my laurels (whatever THEY are). My comfort zone may be bigger than it was before, but it’s still a comfort zone.
So, I started to ask God to give me some new stories. Really.
Now, before you castigate me for living only for the thrill of experience, think about it for a minute. Aren’t we supposed to grow? How can we do this if we never experience something new?
Waiting one minute…
So, anyway, it started to happen. I’ve got all kinds of new, cool stories. I’ve chronicled some of them in this blog and hope to be adding more.
I’m not really sure that I have some hugely significant conclusion for this, I just know that I don’t want to be stuck in the past. I’d rather be stuck in the now, where I believe the Father wants us. If I ever figure out how to get there, I’ll let you know.