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So, I’ve been dealing with a bit of a dilemma the last year or so.
At what point do you turn the other cheek?
I’m not talking about “at what time,” I’m talking about “in which situation.”
Do I only do this when my faith is involved? Could one say that one’s faith is ALWAYS involved?
What about helping someone else? Is it OK to stand by and let someone be abused who cannot help themselves? If I were a pacifist, why is it OK to let other people fight in my place? Is it wrong for me to use a gun/fight, but it’s OK for my friends who are both Christians and police officers or in the military? Why should only they bear the guilt that comes with using force? Do we really believe that ‘violence never solves anything?’
That might all be a bit much for an introduction, so let me send you somewhere else.
Mike S. Adams is an author and college professor in North Carolina. He wrote an article a while ago called, “Three Kinds of People.” Do me a favor, go read it and then come back and leave your thoughts in the comments.
How does being a Christian fit into all of this?