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Guys, have you ever read Proverbs 31:10 – 31? It seems like this passage is only directed at women. In church, women are always told “you should be like this.” I know that when I’ve heard this sermon, I’ve always kind of tuned out or, even worse, thought, “I sure hope Carla is listening.” But I never paid attention to what it was saying.

One Sunday, Carla and I had a pretty bad morning. I don’t remember what it was about, but we weren’t having any fun. Church and Sunday School were uncomfortable because I was being reminded that my wife would have trouble leading others to the throne room of God because I was a dork to her that morning. No pressure.

I remember sitting in Sunday School reading Proverbs 31 and not paying attention to the lesson (Sorry Joe.). The whole time I was reading it, I was thinking, “Wow, this is Carla!”

  1. She has a noble character.
  2. I have full confidence in her and lack nothing of value.
  3. She brings me good and not harm.
  4. She works harder than anyone I know.
  5. She gets up early and prepares our family for the day.
  6. She is great with money (I’m the one that spends…).
  7. She willingly helps people in need.
  8. She keeps our household in order.
  9. Her husband is respected at the city gates (sorry, had to put that one in :)).
  10. She sells things and makes profit from them.
  11. She continually instructs our children.
  12. She watches over the affairs of the house and is NEVER idle.
  13. Her children love her, as does her husband.
  14. She fears the Lord.

After church, I took her to favorite restaurant,  Red Lobster, and while we were waiting for our food, read the passage to her. I made sure to tell her that all of the things in the list were true about her.

Guys, don’t let your wife be stuck in the trap of having to convince herself that these things are true about her; YOU tell her that they’re true.