
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

An explanation is in order: I’m talking about God “moving” in the congregation or in your life, not him physically being there, Morgan Freeman-style. I also made the assumption that every believer knows that God is with them, all the time. Everybody good?

Of course it would matter! I know this is true. But that’s too much of a pat answer. Why would it matter?

So, let’s think about it; how would your church service be any different if suddenly God started moving within the congregation? One would hope it would look different and that it would be obvious, but how would we know? Would people be too confined by propriety to say anything about it; in fear of interrupting the pastor and drawing attention to themselves?* Would someone try to stop what was happening because it didn’t fit with the order of service? Would we know because more people came down during the invitation? What if you go to a church that doesn’t do an invitation every week?

The truly scary question is the next one; what if God DIDN’T show up in your church service or your life? Could you tell the difference? Would you act any differently. Would you still sing the same songs and in the same order, for the same reasons? Would fewer people respond to the message? Would you act the same way at work, still be nice to your wife and kids, and make sure not to say any swear words?

I’m not trying to be all philosophical here, this is really bothering me. I don’t need anyone to make me feel better (honest), I just want to talk about it. Answer the questions or just give a general reaction and let me know what you think.

* I’m guessing that I Cor 14:26-28, 40 is the passage most of you are thinking of. Incidentally, there is no pastor mentioned in this passage…ouch.