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I promise, this isn’t about football or the Cowboys and I apologize for the prodigious use of ‘air quotes’…

So, anyway, on 12/30/07, I was watching the Cowboys play the Redskins. Washington was obviously on fire and Dallas obviously wasn’t. I don’t know the final score, because I stopped watching the game for reasons hopefully explained below.

Prior to and during the game, I heard numerous people say that the Cowboys had ‘nothing to play for’ because they already had homefield advantage in the playoffs. The only thing they needed to do was to make sure none of their starters got hurt. When one of the announcers (one of whom was Troy Aikman of all people!!) said it again in the second quarter, I finally shouted, “Stop saying that!!” at the TV. I couldn’t believe I was so angry.

I know that in the world of sport/competition, I have never done anything but play to win. I don’t cheat or play dirty, but you’d better believe that I’m going to go down fighting. If you ever beat me at anything, you can rest assured that I tried everything I could to win and that you beat me fair and square. I have never in my life ‘let someone else win.’ It’s demeaning and condescending to not give your best effort; even with your kids. That way, after the game/match/whatever, you can’t say “I let them win” to make yourself feel better. The reverse being that your opponent can say “I won” with assurance that you gave an honest effort.

After my outburst, I started to think about what upset me. I mean, I’m a Cowboys fan, but that seemed kind of extreme…

Do people really think like that? Does the game one is playing in only matter in the way it fits into the larger scope of things? What about doing your best, no matter what? Is that the way I am? Do I only do my best ‘when it truly matters?’ What about Colossians 3:23?

With all that said, what about the rest of my life? I have to admit that in other areas, I don’t always have this noble attitude. When it comes to sport, I’m there. But what about how I treat my wife and kids or how I work? Do I always give my best? It seems that I have a double standard for sport and for life…

Psalm 51:10 – 13

10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
       and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

 11 Do not cast me from your presence
       or take your Holy Spirit from me.

 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation
       and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

 13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
       and sinners will turn back to you.

PS the link to Colossians 3:23 is to a song that Carla wrote and recorded.