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I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

One day when Tori was about eight, we were talking about confession and forgiveness – really. I don’t remember the context of our discussion, but I think we were coming home from Bible Study Fellowship. I said something about I John 1:9  and how you had to ask for forgiveness. Tori said, “Dad, it doesn’t say that.”

At first, I dismissed her statement as uninformed; I AM the Dad after all. Then, I said the verse to myself a few times and realized that she was right! I John 1:9 doesn’t say anything about asking for forgiveness. (I am NOT saying you don’t have to ask for forgiveness, only that this particular verse doesn’t say it)

This was such a radical idea that I really didn’t know what to do about it. It was so easy before; all I had to do was ask God to forgive me and he would. Now what did I have to do? Showing the depth of my intellectual prowess and my desire to further my relationship with God, I promptly glossed over this concept and put it on the back burner.

Fast forward to September, 2007. I read “The Bondage Breaker,” by Neil T. Anderson; a book I highly recommend to everyone. In it, Anderson talks a lot about confession. The prayers he suggests always start off with “God, I’m sorry I…whatever…thank you for forgiving me.” After praying some of these prayers, I started to see what God had been trying to teach me through Tori three years ago. I was getting the whole confession/forgiveness gig all wrong. I was asking for forgiveness (claiming it as a gift from God) and skipping the confession completely.

It’s much harder this way. Now, I have to start off by saying “God, I’m sorry that I did whatever. I knew it was wrong and I did it anyway. Thank you for forgiving me.” I actually feel bad because I have to think about what I’m saying ‘sorry’ for. Prior to this, I just glossed over the “Markie did something wrong” part and went straight to the dessert; God’s glorious forgiveness. Totally unmerited, yet freely given.

2 responses to “Never Having to Say You’re Sorry…”

  1. We have been using “The Bondage Breaker” for SS study guide! We are to the chapter on steps to breaking free and are doing that on our own. Isn’t this the most amazing book? Pray that I can/will work my way thru the steps to freedom.