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This concept is still making my brain explode.

I’ve seen examples of this idea in all aspects of my life.

For instance, I was sitting at my computer typing. My wife, Carla, came up to me and asked me a question. I just sat there, thinking about what she had asked and trying to figure out how to respond. While this was happening, I got a picture what what she may have been thinking; “he’s mad at me, that’s why he hasn’t responded”

I said to her, “I’m thinking about how to respond.” She said, “Ok.” That was it. Nothing fancy. Just a few words of clarification on my part. I asked her later if she was thinking I was mad and she said yes.

I’ve also been intrigued by how the pictures get there. Why do I, so many times, get a negative image of my wife or children and their motives? I used to say that I was just assuming the worst. While this has been and still is true, why does it happen so naturally? I think it is because we allow the enemy too much leeway in our minds. We’re too willing to accept the images we have in our minds in any given situation as the truth, just because it’s what we think. How often have I reacted to something that someone else said based on what I thought was true, only to find out that I was way, way off?

I think this is part of what Paul was talking about when he said, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve God’s will;[emphasis added] his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2.

I wonder what the picture of us looks like in God’s head? How does he see us v. how WE see us? The Bible seems to spend a lot of time trying to get Christians to view themselves as God sees them. I wonder if this is how to do that…