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It’s a good thing we cued the scary music.

Ok, I think it was 6/29… Our flight out of Beijing was delayed. Then, we got on the plane, taxied around the runways in the rain and, after about an hour sitting in the plane with no AC, we parked at the terminal and were told the flight was delayed. Again.

We sat in the terminal at Beijing airport for six hours. We were unable to leave because we had no idea when the flight was supposed to leave (they said 12:30, but we ended up leaving around 3) and we couldn’t get through security. They said the flight was delayed because of construction in Ulan Baatar. The Chinese national sitting near Carla turned to her and said, “They always blame it on Mongolia!”

We got to Ulan Baatar around 6:00 PM and had a three hour bus ride to Khongor (the ‘H’ is silent). We got to the River Campus (LifeQwest’s facilities) at about 9, unpacked our bags and had dinner. At 10…

Someone did the math (I think it was Carla); we traveled fifty-one hours and got about six hours of sleep. Woo. Hoo.

3 responses to “Mongolia, Day Twoish”

  1. Wow! What a beautiful place to FINALLY rest! How lovingly it must have been prepared just for you. God bless His servants who have been working hard for your arrival. May you all see the fruit of your labors.
    Love ya … ckg

  2. Try to think positive and remember you will be getting frequent flyer miles for your travel. All of a sudden 51 hours doesn’t seem so bad.:) I am glad to hear that you have arrived and know that God will bless you for your obedience.

  3. The girls certainly don’t look any worse for the ware!! What a beautiful ure set up for you! They were so anxious for you to arrive! You have not been far from my thoughts and prayers all weekend. Thank you so much for keeping us updated!