
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hello all,

Tonight, we had our last meeting in preparation for our trip to Mongolia. We went over the travel details and packing instructions…woo hoo!!

Anyway, we’re all getting very excited about the trip – it’s only four days away.

Many of you have asked for things that you can pray for, so here’s the list:

  1. Strength, patience, and clarity as we do all the last minute details.
  2. Peace and unity in our family – the enemy ALWAYS steps up his harassment and attacks prior to a mission trip.
  3. Pray for unity among the whole team – Six from LABC, including Brent and Sherri Edwards, fourteen people from FBC Burelson, and Chris and Diane Machen.
  4. We’re already getting changes/challenges with what we will be doing while in Mongolia. Things always change on a mission trip and it’s important that we roll with the punches and look to see what God has in mind for us.
  5. Pray that the hearts of the people we meet will be open to hear God’s word.

We’ve been looking over the list of people that have supported this trip and the ministries we participant in and it is humbling to know that there are so many people behind us as we travel.

We thank God for you at every opportunity (

1 Thessalonians 1:2)

Mark, Carla, Tori, and Kaylie

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