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Item #3 – Instruction about baptisms
This is from an earlier blog where Mark was talking about elementary articles of the faith, ie – what we should know by now.

Hebrews 6:2
NIV says ‘instruction about baptisms’
KJV says ‘doctrine of baptisms’
Amplified says ‘With teachings about purifying’
NASB & ESV says ‘instruction about washings’
Darby says ‘doctrine of washings’
Holman says ‘teaching about ritual washings’
Today’s NIV says ‘instruction about cleansing rites’

Having just studied the tabernacle with Beth Moore, I can’t help but think this ‘baptism’ is talking about the cleansing of ourselves before a Holy God – and NOT a baptism into the Baptist or any other church!

Baptism into a Christian church is a symbol to the community that one has accepted Jesus Christ as his/her Savior and is committing to live a new life, having sacrificed the old one through Jesus’ death on the cross.

Baptism as a part of the priests’ duties was a purification process to satisfy a Holy God.  This is symbol too – although, I don’t know if I have heard much teaching about it.  Here is what I have surmised from the scriptures regarding this washing.

Aaron and the other priests were to wash their hands and feet prior to ministering at the brazen altar (the burnt offering at the entrance of the tabernacle) and prior to entering the Holy Place (the front two thirds of the tent – not to be confused with the Holy of Holies which is the back one third of the tent). Why did they have to wash? SO THEY WOULD NOT DIE! This was some serious washing!!! (Ex 30:17-21)  Exodus 38:8 tells us the basin was made from mirrors. So when you reach in to get the water, you see yourself – and just how dirty you are.

As for the symbolism of what this kind of washing means, well, remember that Jesus said He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it (Matt 5:17).  Therefore, this Old Testament teaching about washing has a very real implication for our lives.  You may be asking, ‘How does that apply to a modern-day Christian?’  I believe the answer can be found in the New Testament.

Ephesians 5:25-27 says “25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.”

Mark 7 is a conversation between the Pharisees and Jesus about those who didn’t wash first and therefore had unclean hands.  Jesus goes on to explain the difference between following rules about cleanliness and true clean heart.

This seems to indicate that washing for us is a purification of sins.  It is not the forgiveness of Sin that we get when we ask Jesus to be our Lord.  That forgiveness is for all of our Sin – past and present.  But this washing seems to be a daily confession of our sins before we approach a Holy God.  The same Holy God who would have struck dead any priest who came before Him with unclean hands and feet.

Bottom line – I think our instruction about baptisms is instruction in living a sin-free life before God and quickly confessing when we are anything less!  We need to daily keep ourselves clean before a Holy God!

4 responses to “Item #3 – Instruction about baptisms”

  1. The rite of immersion is done out of obedience. It symbolizes Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. By being baptized, you are showing the world that you are willing to follow Jesus, even if it means your own death, and it also symbolizes that you are dying to self, and giving up the worldly pleasures for spiritual riches. You gain NOTHING from the actual immersion. If you weren’t saved when you went under, you aren’t going to be saved when you come up!

  2. Are you saying that water baptism is a essential of the faith? It’s not… it’s a church ordanence and is not a required essential. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a baptism that occurs at the effectual call of Chirst and is the defining moment in evey Christian life. The idea from Jerimiah 31 and Ezekiel 36 is that the person is washed by the regernating power of the Holy Spirit and it is the only miracle that we know happens in the church today. This “sloshing” of the Holy Spirit is highlighted by Christ in His conversation with Nicodemus in John 3, and is a forshadowing of the national awakening and salvation for Israel.


    Our Baptism by the Holy Spirit is far greater something completely different it’s the distinguishing mark of God’s Chosen in this age. Again this happens at God’s effectual calling and not by mans choice as the grace and the faith (Eph. 2:8-10)are the free gifts from God given to those that were chosen in ages past (Eph 1:3-4).

    Water Baptism is a church ordinace, and is an act of obedience. The essentials of the faith are as follows:

    1. Its what we know about the Bible
    a. The Bible is in errant
    b. The Bible is infallable

    2. It’s what we know about Christ
    a. Jesus’s Deity
    b. His Virgin Birth
    c. The Trinity (Jesus is the Son)
    d. Jesus’s substitutionary atonement
    e. His resurrection
    f. His Second coming

    These are the elementary parts of the faith and the potions of Hebrews you have looked at are written to the “Hebrews” who understood the elementary things of the Jewish faith and what the riter of Hebrews is teling them that they needed to cling to Grace and not tradition. I think it heretical to try and combine the Jewish law and Chritian faith together and try to replace the place of the Jews in the Bible with Gentiles in the church.