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Thoughts & Inspiration

Let me start with my buddy Chandler, who I met on our trip to Philadelphia, Mississippi.

We had been spending some time in prayer after our morning
worship, asking God to give us direction for the day. Not everyone was
getting a clear picture of what God wanted them to do (surprise!), so
they were having to pick what they wanted.
At the end of the day, we always debrief what happened. On Tuesday
night, Chandler said something like, “I didn’t know exactly what God wanted me to do,
so I just went to the nursing home.”
There was something profound about the way he said it, “…I just went…”
I’m pretty sure he’s a new believer. I spent part of an
afternoon Sunday doing door to door with him and watched him
step out courageously, even though I knew he was scared. He prayed for
a grandmother in pain, laying hands on her. He stepped onto a
stranger’s porch for a very odd conversation (I’m still not really sure
what happened and I was standing with him) with a woman who had stomach cancer and did NOT want us to pray for her.
Then, the next day, he ‘just went’ to the elder care facility because he wasn’t sure what God wanted him to do.
I’d be happy to preachify after that profound statement, but I’ll let you make your own excuses.
All I can say is that I was truly inspired by my new brother, Chandler.