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So, after reading the blog and comments yesterday, what do you think? Please read the comments from yesterday.
Did God turn his back on Jesus while he was on the cross or at any time?
If God did turn his back on Jesus because of the sin he was carrying, does this mean that He will turn his back on you in your depravity?

8 responses to “God Can’t Look On Sin, II”

  1. hey… better yet you show me in scripture where it says the God turned His back on Jesus…

    God is seen in the presence of Satan on the book og Job… He shows Himslf the Moses on numerous occaisions. The elders go to the mountain and meet with God at Mount Sinai… Joshua glowed after being in His presence….

    Psa 14:1 Psalm 141

    For the music director; by David.

    Fools say to themselves,2 “There is no God.”3
    They sin and commit evil deeds;4
    none of them does what is right.5
    Psa 14:2 The LORD looks down from heaven6 at the human race,7
    to see if there is anyone who is wise8 and seeks God.9
    Psa 14:3 Everyone rejects God;10
    they are all morally corrupt.11
    None of them does what is right,12
    not even one!
    Psa 14:4 All those who behave wickedly13 do not understand — 14
    those who devour my people as if they were eating bread,
    and do not call out to the LORD.
    Psa 14:5 They are absolutely terrified,15
    for God defends the godly.16
    Psa 14:6 You want to humiliate the oppressed,17
    even though18 the LORD is their19 shelter.
    Psa 14:7 I wish the deliverance20 of Israel would come from Zion!
    When the LORD restores the well-being of his people,21
    may Jacob rejoice,22
    may Israel be happy!23
    So if all of mankind Sin’s then God does not condone that Sin but He has show his ability to tolerate the presnece of those who do… So then why would he need to turn His back on Jesus who is and ever was and ever will be Sinless ?

  2. Why else would Jesus cry out ‘My God My God, why have you forsaken me”? Do you think Jesus could lie? Was he saying an untruth when He said that God had forsaken Him?

    Incidentally, 2 Corinthians 5:21 (Amplified version) reads:

    For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [ endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness].

    God actually made Christ to BE sin. Jesus actually BECAME sin on the cross. There would be no reason to punish Him (for our sins) if He was not at that moment sinful. And actually, at that moment, He was the epitome of sin. Because God made Him to be sin.

  3. Could it be that Jesus as being a teacher, expecting that those listening to him would know that he was quoting Psalms 22.

    If he was quoting Psalm 22, could he be pointing them to his sacrifice?

    Incidentally, Psalm 22:24 says “For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.”

  4. Ken:

    Read Psalm 22 Jesus is reminding them that He was Davids decendant and that He was the king !!! It was a reminder that he was who Said He is !!!

  5. 2 Corinthiams 5:21


    You assessment of the passage is not only incorrect but heretical. Jesus became a substitute for our sin, then does not mean at all that He became sinful. Again I ask this to ALL of you and it is about God’s impeccablilty… Was Jesus not able to sin or able not to sin? ANSWER… JESUS WAS NOT ABLE TO SIN !!! if you believe other than that you are in heterodoxy and are a heretic… Substitutionary attonement does not mean that Christ was sinful, but was the only purely righteous sacrifice that could ever be offered on our behalf. His rightousness for our sinfulness. How can SIN pay for SIN?

  6. Alright let me shed some light on this 2 months later lol

    all in a nut shell. yes God can look on sin as some1 pointed out with satan in the book of Job also Enoch in the book of Genesis walked with God.
    “Then why did he turn away from Jesus on the cross?”
    because Jesus was being punished for our sin. and what is the punishment for sin? eternal separation from God in hell. So God had to not look upon Jesus for our sake. Jesus took in a few hours an eternities punishment.

    Our God is an awesome God

  7. Alright i am going to lay something on you which is extremly hard to grasp. its called the trinity which is God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. and these beings are all God but they are separate. Because Jesus talked to the Father and as lead by the Holy Spirit. Also when Jesus was getting baptized this is an excellent picture of the trinity when Jesus got baptized God spoke and said ” this is my son with whom i am well pleased” and the Holy Spirit descended on Him like a dove. There are other references like in Genesis 1:27 i believe it says lets make man in OUR image. and who was God talkin to? none other than Jesus and the Holy Spirit. and in John 1:1 it states that the Word (Jesus) was with God in the beginning and was God. we know that the word was talkin about Jesus if you just skip down a few verse in verse 14 it says that the Word became flesh and dwelt among His creation. hope that help