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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi, this it Tori.

Yesterday, we went to go visit all the kids. And we taught the Mid girls (8 to 12) how to knit. We started by teaching them how to cast on. Then, we taught them how to do the knit stitch. Then we ran out of time and had to leave.

Later, we asked Susan if we could give the girls the jewelry we made for all the girls. She said that we had to give the boys something also. So, now we’re stuck and don’t know what to get them. Hopefully we’ll find something tomorrow.

We are hoping to go around the river – we went swimming the other day in the river, but had to get out. The river goes around the River Campus. (duh!)

Hey, this is Kaylie.

Yesterday, we went to the teen girls and did flowers on their nails with our nail paint pens. We had lots of fun with the teen girls (and three little girls).

Also, two days ago, we went to the market and bought hats for our whole family. My dad got a hat that the Mustang boys wear (the Mustang boys are the teen boys).

We had the Elders’ banquet last night. We had another concert and honored the elders of the city.

2 responses to “From Kaylie and Tori”

  1. Tori,
    Why did you have to get out of the “river”?
    I hope you come up with an idea for the boys.

    Do you sign in the concerts? Great job you are doing sharing yourself with others.

    If you ask your Dad or Mom who I am, I am just someone in the choir who signs with your Dad in the tenor section. Say hi to them for me and that we are praying that you all stay safe.

  2. Hi Tori and Kaylie!
    If we had only known that you would need something for the boys we could have made some paper airplane designs for them to fold. Or tops in the wordless gospel colors might have been nice for them. I know you will put your heads together and think of something. We will ask God to give you good ideas.
    Love you both … Ms. Carol