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Thoughts & Inspiration

So, we were driving home Saturday from Mississippi. We stopped off in some little Louisiana town along I20 because they had a Taco Bell…you know, because Taco Bell is so hard to find in the DFW Metroplex.
Anyway, Tori ordered her usual steak quesadilla and was told “Sorry, we’re out of steak.” She said, “no problem, I’ll take chicken.”
Kaylie said, “I’d like to order a kid’s meal.” The girl behind the counter said, “We’re out of kids’ meals.” So Kaylie ordered some tacos and chips.
About ten (10, X, diez) minutes later, they gave Carla our order at the counter. The girl at the counter asked Carla, “Do you want hot sauce with that?” Then, before Carla could answer, she said “We’re out of that too.”
When Carla told me what had happened, I laughed for about two minutes.
We did get some good out of it, besides the laugh. We played Bob Haley’s game called “Preach It.” What you have to do is pick out a situation or thing that you see while traveling and make a sermon metaphor out of it. I’ll let you make your own…
It was a weird day.
PS the weird/cool chicas in the picture are Jessica and Kerrigan