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Ok, this is me –

Because we tend to define ourselves in terms of
what people say about us and our accomplishments (both of which are
poor indicators of spiritual reality), we must let God start from

The same is true for us as we wake up to our identity and role in the
Kingdom. We are addicted to old, broken ways of thinking. We want to
control the process – the very change we want and need can be so hard
to bring about.


It’s so hard to let this go. I feel like everything would be better if
I just moved to some other country. But, I would eventually end up back
here in the States, with all the same old problems. I’m praying for God
to remake me, but am scared to death of what that means.

What action is required of me? What do I have to DO? I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels – if they move at all. I can’t just leave.

Dear God, please show me your word and your will. How do I move beyond the person that I am and to the person you want me to be? How do I stop being this mediocre Christian and become the Spirit-filled man you want me to be?

Update:Read BriEllyn’s blog entry, “Made from Scratch.”