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Yesterday, we got a Christmas card in the mail from someone we didn’t recognize and with no return address. In it was a check that had Carla’s signature on it. The check had been torn into four pieces. The guy who installed our van window tore up the check and sent it back. This was after he charged us $40 LESS than he said he would. Praise God!

Our van was broken into on 11/27. They broke out the front passenger window and stole Carla’s purse. In the purse was a bunch of cash and checks from Carla’s piano accompanying, her cell phone, PDA, SS card, credit cards, license, Six Flags passes, make-up, and all the other things that make up a woman’s life…

It was a tremendous inconvenience. We had to call the police, Discover, Bank of America, and a myriad other agencies. The girls slept in our room on the floor for the first two nights after the break-in. We couldn’t drive her car for a week as we tried to get the window fixed (the guy who finally did it fixed it within a day). We had to get a new van key and a new van remote. Because they got our house key, we decided to change the locks. In all, Carla has spent countless hours cleaning up the mess that was made in our lives. To top it off, all three of my girls are scared. They put the chain on the door now and always double-check the garage door when before, they didn’t really worry about such trivialities.

But…let me tell you the good stuff.

  1. Because we had to close our bank account, we spent about an hour with a bank account manager who is now seriously considering going on the World Race.
  2. Three different people gave us cash, the total of which replaced the cash in Carla’s wallet and paid for her replacement cell phone – a Treo, so now she doesn’t need a PDA.

  3. As we were driving to church the day after the break-in, we were discussing the concept of security: how do you feel secure? Where/how do you get security? It was awesome to hear God working in my children’s lives.
  4. We also talked about “Who’s sin hurts me more? My own or someone else’s?” It was a deep day…
  5. Our van window was replaced for free.
  6. After a failed experiment in home locksmithing, my friend, the locksmith, gave me a free, professional install on all my doors – with the keys and locks!!
  7. We now get to look back and see how Satan meant this for evil, but God meant it for good.

In Matthew 14:22-33, the story of Jesus walking on water, it says in verse 22 that Jesus made the disciples get into the boat. Last year, I was asked the question “why did Jesus make his disciples get into the boat when he knew there was going to be a storm?” What a life-changing thought. Could it be that the storms of life are not punishments from God for our sin or lack of effort, but instead are opportunities for us to learn something he wants to teach?

I’d love to say that I’ve handled all my problems since then with remarkable aplomb, but I’m not supposed to lie. It’s a good thing that our God is patient, kind, and willing to walk with us through the storm.

P.S. Take your SS card out of your purse/wallet.

4 responses to “Check in the Mail”

  1. First, let me apologize for the perhaps stern sound in my initial reply to the news of that break-in. I guess you didn’t need me to tell you that one should never leave one’s purse in the car. I’ve done some things myself (or neglected) that could have and sometimes did get me in quite a pickle.
    Second, I have prayed for all of you, and I’m so thankful for how God has protected you and restored so much to you, and led you into more wisdom about this life as well as about His oversight. And an even deeper treasuring of one another. His Gift of Christ to us just keeps on giving!
    Love, and a very Merry Christmas, Aunt Sylvia

  2. Well, I hate that you had to go through all of that, but isn’t it wonderful to be on the other side and see the miracles we would have otherwise missed? We know you know this, but just a friendly reminder: those who serve in ministry are bound for trials, but blessed with miracles – “those who sow in tears, shall reap in joy!”

  3. WOW! What a tremendous testimony of God’s love, faithfulness and provision. Thank you so much for sharing your experience… GOD IS SO GOOD! (Better than we can ever hope or imagine.)

    Christmas Blessings,
    Sean Paul

  4. Great story, Mark! What a wonderful, simple, yet powerful testimony. Many will be blessed by your family’s account of this incident. As always, Satan was, indeed, defeated by our awesome and almighty God!

    And I love your closing line. It’s classic Mark Lindberg! It makes me miss you, bro. I look forward to seeing you sooner rather than later. God bless you!

