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Romans 12:2 – Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

I remember some time ago, I was memorizing the above verse and was talking with Carla about what it meant. Trying to impress her with my Biblical knowledge, I said, “I can’t wait to be transformed so that I can be renewed.” She said, “That’s not what it says. It says that you have be renewed and THEN transformed.” My balloon/ego deflated, I admitted that she was right and started to change my thinking, based on her correction.

This may not sound like a big deal to you but, for me it was just another example of how God can change the way I think in an instant. As a result of this incident, I started to pray for God to renew me, so that I could be transformed and I believe that He is making this change in me.

It happened again this last week. I was having a bad week. One of those weeks where nothing seems to go right; you work all day, but don’t seem to get anything done. Sunday, I was driving to the airport to pick up a friend and was going over Isaiah 26:3; You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.

I love this verse. It has always meant a great deal to me that God is willing to keep me in perfect peace. One problem; I don’t have a steadfast mind. So, while I love the verse, it has always bothered me that I couldn’t really apply it to myself. It seemed like some ideal that I was trying to reach, but probably never would. Yes, I trust God, but there is always the whole “steadfast mind” thing.

Then, it hit me. Just like with Romans 12:2, the answer I was looking for was in the verse itself. The definition of a steadfast mind is one that trusts in him. I’m definitely not perfect, but I can trust in him. Woo Hoo!

PS The ship pictured is the USCGS Steadfast

One response to “A Steadfast Mind”

  1. Thank you for this article. I work in a stressful field (Finance!) and today morning was contemplating exactly this verse. I too, started searching for the meaning of the word “steadfast” and after stumbling around on other web results came across this article.
    Thank God for inspiring you to write this! It was a blessing to me.
    BTW, I have started to notice this pattern too now. God provides the answer for something we really want to reach in the verse itself.